TNI Task Forces Teach Banggabeak Children To Live Hygienically

    TNI Task Forces Teach Banggabeak Children To Live Hygienically

    NDUGA - The Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 503/Mayangkara Kostrad, one of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (KOOPS TNI) in Papua, is currently carrying out the mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Nduga Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Monday, 8 July 2024.

    the 503 Task Forces conducted a security patrol in the Banggabeak Village, which is in the Krepkuri District. During the patrol, the Soldiers took the time to interact with the Banggabeak children, and one of the Social Communication (Komsos) topics was related to hygienic living.

    According to the 503 Task Forces Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Gurbasa Samosir, the Komsos, which continues to be actively organized by the 503 Task Forces, is a realization of the TNI's commitment to implementing inclusive Komsos with all residents of the Papua region.

    The realization of the Komsos this time was conducted by the Soldiers from the Batas Batu Post led by First Lieutenant Galih Widiharyo Nugroho on that Monday. On that sunny day, the Soldiers invited the Banggabeak children to live hygienically.

    The knowledge about hygienic living conveyed by the Soldiers includes the sequence for bathing using clean water from rain-fed water. The use of rain-fed water is carried out considering the limited clean water in the Banggabeak Village. Next, the Soldiers taught the bathing sequence, starting with washing the hair and continuing to clean the body with soap from the neck, back, hands to feet. With this invitation to live hygienically, the Banggabeak children welcomed it enthusiastically. Even one of the children named Maurids Morin enthusiastically said, “Om Tentara (Soldier), it's nice to be able to bathe in clean and fresh water. TNI is MANTAP (very good)."

    Upon receiving the program report, the KOOPS TNI Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, said, "The creativity of the 503 Task Forces in holding Komsos with children of the Banggabeak Village is the TNI's effort to implement inclusive Komsos to support accelerated development in the Papua region."


    Dansatgas Media KOOPS TNI, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

    nduga papua pegunungan
    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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